
Phase 1

2 Lessons

  1. 06:00 MINS
  2. 05:00 MINS

Phase 1

Last activity on July 27, 2024

Prepping The Foundation

Welcome to Lesson 1: Prepping the Foundation

The first part of the membership we will have to form a baseline, how do we do this?

  1. What are your primary goals?
  2. What are your pain spots/hot spots and limitations/restrictions?
  3. How does your body orient itself through standing (Mirror) and active posture (Walk)?

What You’ll Need:

Full Body Mirror:

  • A mirror that doesn’t distort your reflection is crucial. It will help you observe and understand your posture, alignment, and any asymmetries. This awareness is the first step in making positive changes.


  • Note-taking: Document your experiences and observations.
  • Pain / Hot Spots: Identify and track areas of discomfort.
  • Posture Orientation: Record twists, tilts, leaning, bending, and any asymmetries. A mirror or camera can be used for standing posture and gait analysis.
  • Positive Gains: Note any improvements and successful experiences from specific exercises or techniques.
  • Negative Experiences: Track any adverse reactions to methods, techniques, or exercises.
  • Digestive and Allergic Reactions: Monitor your reactions to foods, synthetics, fragrances, etc.
  • Activity Log: Keep a log of your activities, including walks, corrective exercises, trigger-point sessions, and playtime.

Trigger-Point Tools:

  • Have a few trigger-point tools on hand. We recommend a softball and two lacrosse balls, a hard PVC pipe, and a barbell. These will help you target and relieve muscle tension effectively.

Resistance Tools:

Broomstick Handles / Long Thin PVC Pipes:

  • Two broomstick handles or long, thin PVC pipes are useful for grip and stability exercises. They help maintain proper form and balance during various standing activities.
This lesson is a preview

2 Lessons