This is the 5th part of our mental category with our 4 MGS pillars. This goes hand in hand with emotional intelligence (the third subcategory), however, we had to devote an entire category that is exclusively focused on rescripting the subconscious. In our mind, we all have an array of assumptions, scripts, expectations, affirmations, thoughts, reactions, most of which are autonomous. We all have unique perceptions and beliefs about ourselves, our environment, interactions, the events that take place in our lives, our friends, family, our day to day interactions with random people, how they perceive us, and more. All of us have struggled with constant negativity in our past and more often than not, assuming and expecting the worst. We’ve expressed negative reactions towards others, ourselves and certain events that occur. We’ve expressed negative assumptions and expectations about others and more often than not just paint a very negative picture about ourselves and others. This is due to much of the programming that we have been subject to since birth, whether subliminal messaging, Hollywood fantasy, drama, music, toxic family, friends, etc.
Before we dive deep into this topic, I wanted to change the pace with how I format these blogs. What I mean by this is simple: I want to give attention to people that have shortened attention spans thanks to dopamine overloading (ADHD), which is the majority of us honestly, and the people that enjoy reading long(er) form content. So with each blog from now on, at the top, I will put together a very clear guide/overview that will give you the action items needed and everything you need to know to get results. At the end of the day, that’s what we are about, results.
– Brief, Summarized Overview –
This is about becoming aware of our subconscious programming, and then keeping it in check, becoming crystal clear of our desire with unwavering belief and taking the necessary action that is congruent with our desire while detaching any “NEED” from those limiting beliefs preventing us from reaching our goals. The process is like this, we have to kill/detach the old self, death to the old self. Then we start choosing and acting who we want to become or who we want to attract. It’s the process of our conscious mind choosing constantly the positive desire with unwavering belief day in and day out, this is what slowly repograms the subconscious mind over time.
Michael Scullin shared a study where the participants would journal/write out all of their thoughts, stressors, anxieties etc. roughly 2-3 hours before bed. They found that each participant reduced their time to fall asleep by about 50%!
- Awareness: Mental Diet 24/7 + Stop Reacting! + Constantly keep your thoughts in check + Journal Your Thoughts Create Clarity & Awareness of desires, feelings, assumptions, roadblocks, beliefs, thoughts, words, and perceptions of yourself, others and events. Be with those feelings for a bit, acknowledge them, this is the first step to awareness because you’re human, we have feelings, doesn’t mean we have to identify with them. Thanks to our subconscious (unconscious) programming, we are left unaware of the majority of our internal dialogue/script. Most of our imagination has been programmed to dwell in dark places, rescript it.
- Detachment: Being too needy creates a roadblock for anything in life. There has to be a sense of neutrality in life. Not this constant up and down with our emotions and reactions. The only “thing” we “need” is God. We have to quickly choose to detach from our old toxic story/beliefs/assumptions and shift/transmute them into a new positive, optimistic story of affirmations, beliefs, assumptions, words, thoughts, etc. Detach from the old limiting/negative beliefs. Choose new, healthy beliefs that are believable! From negative to positive, you want to be in a constant state of gratitude as if you have already received that which you asked for and that which you are becoming. Here’s the catch, it has to be believable, you have to be able to feel and believe it. Perhaps you are a reactive person, you finally become aware of it. There also has to be action in your immediate reality, not just talking about it, but taking action that is congruent with your new beliefs. For example, If I want a proper wife, I have to first become the proper husband. I have to embody the life of a proper husband, and believe it, act it, become it. Not just change my internal concept (which is the most important).
- Crystal Clear Intention with Unwavering Belief, Persistence and most importantly action that is congruent with your desire. Behavior is never stagnant, it’s always either improving or declining. So once we become aware of our limiting beliefs, we have to persist with unwavering belief in the new belief.
I want to add in a very important point. When it comes to mental health, I believe 100% without a doubt, the most important thing is to be childlike as Christ instructs us to be. Lose the extreme seriousness, there is a time and place to be serious, but if you are intense and serious all of the time it is nothing but stressful. Be more Playful, be more childlike, make things more fun even if they are perceived as “boring”, be more optimistic and positive.
Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores everything that has ever happened to you, and its capacity is virtually unlimited. By the time you are 21 years of age, you have already permanently stored more than 100x the information of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. Individuals who undergo hypnosis can more often than not remember, with a crystal clear memory, previous events that happened several years before. However, there is a reason why we do not actively recall everything our subconscious minds retain. While your unconscious recall is practically perfect, it is your conscious memory that is questionable.
We can utilize our conscious minds to reprogram subconscious patterns that may be negative and create road blocks to our success. It’s about reframing your thoughts, because ultimately changing your perspective, which changes everything. The conscious mind is what you are feeling, doing, touching, seeing and experiencing. You are conscious/aware of it. Consciousness doesn’t involve stored information. It is about what is happening now. It does not involve thinking and making decisions. It is fairly easy to control your conscious mind because you are able to utilize it to make choices.
The subconscious mind is always going in the background, whether you are aware of it or not. Sometimes people label this as the unconscious mind, it holds all the stored info of everything you have ever experienced. This is why it’s so essential to become aware of the unaware for lack of better terms. Because it influences everything, how you react, if you are lazy, eat too much, if you are shy or have addictions. The unconscious mind also affects your motivation, confidence, success, how joyous and hopeful you are and etc.
The goal is to utilize your conscious mind to positively influence your unconscious thoughts. It is a powerful tool once you learn how to use both together. Every second that you are awake, your five senses are constantly gathering data, which is stored as memories, like a computer stores information. We do not actively need to recall most of this information, because honestly, we most likely forget 95-99% of our daily activities. Despite this, we know these images and thoughts are still in your brain because hypnosis can bring back deep memories.
The subconscious information in your head literally influences 90-95% of your behavior! Psychology tells us that the experiences we have shape and influence the way we think and act, most definitely our early childhood experiences. Brian Tracy likes to compare our subconscious mind to flying a plane on autopilot. He says, “It is constantly running programs to control how we sit, breathe, walk, talk, and much more.” Again, we don’t necessarily have to actively think about these things, they just happen because the information to do them is stored in the brain. Our unconscious mind keeps our heart beating at a specific rate, it keeps our breathing regular and our body temperature regulated at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
The subconscious is also extremely important because of your autonomic nervous system. The ability for our chemical, emotional, and physical processes to be in balance and harmony is entirely dependent on our subconscious mind. Not only that, but also the homeostasis within your mental space, by keeping you consistent with acting in a manner that you have said and done in the past. Doing anything different or new from what you are used to literally triggers the subconscious mind to make us feel uncomfortable or emotionally unwell. Fear and discomfort is a sign that the subconscious mind has been triggered, but in reality it’s been working on these behavioral patterns long before you became aware of the present emotions you are experiencing.
This is particularly why it can be very challenging to successfully break toxic habits. The only way to undo these powerfully engrained toxic patterns is through the power of habit ultimately forcing your subconscious to adapt to new “comfort zones.” As we become more aware and present with our thoughts, assumptions, feelings, insecurities, habits, behavioral patterns and perspectives, as we start to change, we can start to notice our subconscious pulling us back to our comfort zones each time we try something new. It’s very powerful. This is why it’s crucial that we journal, pray, do everything else mentioned in the mental blog such as dopamine detox, study emotional intelligence, hold ourselves accountable and become aware of our own sin and toxic patterns. Again, it is so crucial that we form new healthy habits to help us reach our goals and desired self-transformation. These healthy habits could be going on a mental diet 24/7, time-management, dopamine detox (not using your phone), not eating junk food or stress buying etc.
The secret is to instill good habits long enough that they become your new comfort zone so your subconscious mind reverts back to GOOD habits. Once we have this in mind it makes it much more motivating to be consistent and disciplined when it comes to overlapping the old bad habits with the new good ones.
The lesson is, no matter how you look at this; from a spiritual perspective, a mental, an emotional, even a physical perspective, it does not matter, it’s all interconnected and can all be scientifically proven that as a matter of fact, your thoughts do indeed shape your reality, your health and your future. Your brain can be trained to look for the positive or the negative in people and certain events. What you fear, will appear. What you focus on will magnify and what you believe and assume will transpire. Like we have said many times, you can have the world’s best diet, posture, wellness routine, exercise program and still be the most sickly person on the planet due to a terrible attitude and mindset.
The best part is this applies to any and every aspect of your life! Why not assume the best? Because, people are attracted to misery, negativity and sometimes feel insecure and unworthy of experiencing a good, wholesome, fulfilling and peaceful life and/or relationship(s). Sometimes people just want to be a victim. If it was easy to be successful and positive then everyone would be, it takes work, it takes self realization, awareness, persistence, patience, and transmutation, in other words, you basically have to put your mind on a mental diet 24/7 (expect to hear this more, a lot more). It sounds exhausting, but again, we have been programmed since birth, so it’s our duty to rewrite this internal dialogue.
The more we can transmute these negative affirmations, habits, patterns, self-concepts and beliefs, the faster we can achieve the results we desire. We need to understand that the more we practice this daily transmutation from negative to positive the better, stronger and more autonomous it becomes, like a muscle. The key is to be aware of this negative self-talk in the first place, we all experience insecurities, self doubt, and again, negative assumptions and perceptions of others. As Elder Thaddeus states, “We literally start to create Hell on earth through our Mind (thoughts).”
Journaling is a great tool to use to not only practice gratitude and gather your thoughts, but to become crystal clear on what you need to start transmuting. This is especially true if you find yourself repeating the same negative patterns and dialogue. As you unglue these negative habits, you will uncover more and more, it’s a life-long process. That being said, it is crucial that we make this sustainable. Like our spiritual Father Patrick always tells us, “Your Life Should Be a 3% Grade”. It takes time, patience coupled with small and consistent steps to reach your goals. If you truly believe you are unattractive, then it’s time to turn that around by appreciating yourself more and to start taking the necessary action needed to improve your image. If you truly believe you are annoying and people don’t like being around you, then guess what, it’s probably true.
Our change starts with the thought, the self-awareness, the self-image, the self-belief, and most importantly transmuting those negative affirmations and words into more positive replacements. It must be believable, so maybe if you’re too delusional to the point that it isn’t really believable, then you could be living in a fantasy that is simply not accessible due to your limited belief. However if you say something along the lines of, “I am pleasant to be around, I am calm, I am peaceful, I am likeable, I have a wonderful presence that people enjoy being a part of, I am becoming more and more likeable every day.” Your thoughts are like seeds, they take root, and if given enough attention and nurturing, they can sprout and grow into a massive tree that is fruitful. Be careful which thoughts you water.
With sports I would notice that I could do all the training in the world, I could be on the best, most tailored routine, I could be extremely consistent, healthy, hydrated, but if I didn’t trust in my own training or I didn’t BELIEVE in my own ability, in my capabilities, then it was meaningless and it showed! I now firmly believe the mental pillar is by far the most important, fundamental aspect of health, fitness, success and overall well-being more than any other pillar. We must start with our minds. The issue arises when our ego gets involved and we assume it’s too simple, it’s too easy that our mind tries to overcomplicate it. Our mind sometimes has trouble believing that something so simple could greatly influence every aspect of our life and performance. I do believe in the Law of Expectation, the Law of Assumption, The Law of Attraction to a certain extent, context matters. I was a “new ager” for 20 years, when I first became Christian I threw these out. Like they say, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. This is why I constantly recommend that everyone read, “Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives”, by Elder Thaddeus. It’s not necessarily about living in a fantasy, but rather changing our internal world, which is the most important focus.
As we stated at the start, we are constantly bombarded with modern distractions and subliminal, toxic programming and influence from Hollywood, music, secular teachings, school, and various organizations. Please take time to study all aspects of the Mental pillar; they are all crucial in your transformational journey. They are all interconnected and synergistic with one another when it comes to forming the healthiest, strongest, most powerful mind that you can harness. The more you do it, the more effortless it becomes, again we are talking about undoing YEARS worth of negative programming and self-talk. Our thoughts have the potential to project onto others, almost like a spell. People can notice, feel and observe how we are feeling or if something is off. It’s very hard to lie for most people.
(Review) In-Depth Solutions:
Yes, I am very aware that I am repeating certain things over, and over, and over. That’s kind of the point, to engrain it in the subconscious, haha!
Responding, not reacting: The first and most important step is to clear your intentions, to be present and get aware of what you are feeling and thinking. We have to start responding with self control to everything rather than reacting without restraint. This applies to negative events that take place, other people, family, friends, and most importantly your own thoughts. Respond to your thoughts, journal them, write them down and transmute them, become aware of what you’re feeling, accept that you’re feeling these thoughts, but don’t keep them around or entertain them. Transmute, swap them for positive variations, and then let them go. Most importantly, try using prayer more often to recenter your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes these aren’t even your own thoughts, hence why it’s so important to respond slowly and not react or act upon every fleeting emotion and feeling.
The more often we pull back, observe, be patient, respond, instead of reacting, the better we will get at it. The first step is about creating a baseline. Now you have started the process of forming a habit that allows you to be present with your emotions and thoughts, gather them, jot them down, then let go and do your best to “healthfully” detach from your fleeting emotions, feelings and the need to react. You basically have started the process to live less in fear and more in power by focusing on the most important things; what you can control, how you react and what you think, assume, perceive, believe, etc. In other words, CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS! We are on a constant mental diet, 24/7! Especially at the start.
Remove the Roadblocks: The next step is to identify specifically with any limiting beliefs and road blocks that are preventing you from your goals and from stepping into the person that you are trying to become. What are your limiting thoughts or fears? For example, if your desire is to get in shape, but you just can’t seem to get started or finish your workouts or even diet plan, what exactly is preventing you from doing that? Do you believe it’s impossible, you aren’t worthy of a healthy and athletic body? Do you just make excuses and tell yourself that you don’t have enough time or knowledge? Roadblocks can also be physical, for example, you waste time all day scrolling, buying stuff, and entertaining social media, time that could have been spent exercising. These are serious roadblocks that are simply just thoughts that you have imagined to be true, but they are not necessarily true. Your subconscious mind has just been conditioned to respond in that manner, the problem is that your conscious choices will follow.. Roadblocks can even be as simple as someone trying to study or read/finish a book, yet you keep telling yourself nonsensical thoughts that somehow you perceive to be absolute truth, felt from your core. You have to think about your desire, your goals, your dreams, and get crystal clear with what thoughts, habits, ideas, or barriers are keeping you from achieving them.
These roadblocks could be feelings of unworthiness, insecurities, lack of confidence, lack of self perceived value, poor self image, and a lot of the other things we keep repeating!
Letting go of Limiting Beliefs: Keep it in check! We have to be on a mental diet, 24/7. Our duty is to constantly swat away the negative old beliefs, thoughts, feelings and patterns while replacing them with more believable, congruent thoughts that lead us closer every day towards our own personal transformation, success and goals. Once you are clear with what your limiting thoughts and feelings are, take time to be with them, accept them, feel them, and then simply let them go and move forward. Sometimes
Sometimes we have to go through the pain by bringing it from the subconscious mind to the surface of the conscious mind. Sometimes we have to feel and be with this pain for a little bit, accept that you are actually feeling these emotions and you are human, it’s okay, just don’t allow them to control and consume you. Maybe you wrestle with the ability to form a trusting relationship with someone special because you realize you never actually had that type of loving relationship when you were a kid. The key is to understand what is causing your emotions, then you can address them head on and develop a better, healthier way to respond.
Create the Intention with your Conscious Mind: This is crucial for lasting change because your conscious thoughts and actions will reprogram your conscious mind in a heartbeat. A positive message can reprogram how you heal past trauma, how you feel, see, how you interact with others, yourself, and ultimately change our habits. When we change our habits, it rattles the stagnation within our lives and allows us to blossom into more fulfilling lives that focus on the things that matter the most. Set an expectation from your conscious mind of what will happen in your life.
Be optimistic, it’s easy to focus on the negative, it’s also easy to focus on the positive, if we train ourselves to. Brian Tracy states that when you are challenged with a roadblock, say to yourself, “Even though I’ve done this in the past, I no longer do it now.” Your unconscious mind will receive this information just as it has done so in the past with every other bit of information. Our subconscious will have no other choice but to lose interest in the hold habits while simultaneously following and abiding by the new updates being installed, given enough time and persistence. Upgrades. The trick is to envision what you want to achieve, creating a plan for how you will react to your roadblocks, using your conscious mind to maintain awareness and becoming attentive to what’s going on, while making the conscientious decision to choose to stay consistent every single day. To persist with unwavering belief, and to follow your plan in the moment. Perhaps sometimes God’s plans are different, and that’s okay. This is why I believe Trusting and Surrendering in God is by far the most important part of all this, it keeps you somewhat detached and prevents you from idolizing your desires and goals whether that be a relationship, money, success, fitness etc.
My favorite method to visualize is something that isn’t necessarily delusional, but entirely believable and imaginable. For example, “I am becoming healthier every day, I am getting stronger everyday, I am becoming the best possible husband, father, friend, leader, athlete I can be more and more everyday. I am an incredible athlete, father, friend, etc. every day I am becoming better and better, the results are amazing, I am so grateful for all of these improvements I am seeing daily, thank-you God, I am ready to keep receiving more results, then we also take the necessary action that is congruent with our desires. Rather than saying I AM ALREADY THE BEST ATHLETE, HUSBAND, FATHER AND FRIEND IN THE WORLD. Not saying the latter is wrong, but if it’s not believable, it may never actually take place.
Let Your Subconscious Mind Take Over: The goal is to gradually allow your conscious to relax and let your subconscious take over. Once you have trained your unconscious the other way to respond, it will believe that is the optimal way it should respond. It just requires that you choose the right words, ideas, and actions that allow your subconscious to analyze its databanks and easily find an uplifting, positive and empowering way to respond.
Simple, but Effective Tools To Help You Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind: There are many things you can start doing daily to reprogram your subconscious mind. We highly recommend that you incorporate all of these tools into your daily routine. Here are some of the most effective tools:
1. Positive Self-Talk: Brian Tracy states that, “Your unconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your “master program.” So we already said that one of the top ways to effectively reprogram your own thought patterns is to maintain that mental diet 24/7. How do we do this? Add in positive-oriented words and sound bites throughout your day, when you catch yourself believing certain negative thoughts and scripts, change it around. Break the cycle, constantly throughout the day. Every roadblock or challenge you are faced with, simply challenge it with a positive affirmation, flip the script. It will definitely be challenging the first 90 days, however, we have to view this as just as important as what we feed our body with. It is just as important, if not, more important to focus on what we feed our mind. The more we cultivate positive thoughts, assumptions, perspectives and actions, the more our subconscious will bend to our conscious mind’s direction/intention.
Some other methods beyond affirmations/Positive Self-Talk include: SATS (State akin to sleep). Basically, our subconscious is most active right before we fall asleep. As you fall asleep, you want to simply focus on positive, believable assumptions, words, affirmations, and most definitely gratitude not only right before sleep (After prayer), but also after you wake up. Gratitude for everything in your life and as Elder Thaddeus suggests, “Grateful as if you have already received that which you asked for from God.” So we have journaling, positive self talk/affirmations + positive rescripting, SATS, and now inspirational quotes.
2. Inspirational Quotes: We recommend reading quotes from the Saints, Bible Verses, Quotes from high level relationship experts such as John & Julie Gottman. This can be extremely impactful for people who are just starting to implement positive thinking and feelings. We want to cultivate an energy of peace and strength that is refreshing, positive and uplifting for people to be around, be careful, vampires may appear, however, discernment is already expected. That being said, the more you saturate your brain with powerful, uplifting words and ideas, your unconscious mind will start to develop a more positive routine in how you think and how you perceive life
3. Pareto Principle: Brian Tracy discussed this principle a few times in several of his books. Basically this principle suggests that in life, 80% of the outcome in anything you do is more often than not the result of 20% of your total effort. This is commonly referred to as the Pareto Principle and it is very powerful once you learn it. Utilize this principle by ensuring that the things you do each day are taking you one step closer to your life goals. When we get clear and make these actions a priority after removing the negative roadblocks and faulty scripting, they no longer fall through the cracks only to be procrastinated upon and overtaken by other endeavours.
4. Brian Tracy also speaks about writing SMART Goals: SMART is an acronym that stands for:
- Specific – What do you want to do?
- Measurable – How will you track your progress?
- Achievable – How will you do it?
- Relevant – Is this relevant to your life right now?
- Time Bound – When do you want to do it?
A personal goal example could be a simple, but highly effective habit such as taking a walk every day before work. This walk could then develop into a routine, which will later lead to a solid habit. Habits like these can then help you work towards a bigger goal of building a healthier and more productive lifestyle overall. If you don’t put thought and effort into your goal setting, you may never achieve the success you want. That’s why it’s important to aim before you shoot.
The first focus should be to get clear with your intentions, to organize your thoughts, your feelings, then to start transmuting them with positive, but believable, realistic affirmations, realizing the negative affirmations and assumptions your subconscious has been repeating were, in fact, unbelievable. Our goal is to let go of these negative feelings and thoughts and realizing that we created this, it takes time, it takes unwavering belief in your assumptions and persistence. Cutting out toxic thoughts, family members, friends, toxic music, movies, T.V., videos, books, instead saturating your mind with healthy information by reading inspirational quotes from the saints and relationship experts allows us to move the needle in the right direction. One final time, it’s about being on a mental diet 24/7, so if you forget everything, at least remember that. There is no reason we need to be so negative, fearful, insecure, assuming the worst in situations and people, or complaining about what we don’t have etc. Sometimes we are just unaware of how impactful our unconscious mind is and how much it controls our life, that was the goal with this blog to provide you with simple, but impactful methods and awareness to bring our mind back to a baseline and direct it more towards a positive, optimistic, peaceful, intentional mindset. It’s not just about the thoughts, it’s about what and how we feel as well.