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Clean Water – Why Is It Important & How Can I Get It?

dirty water

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Water is supposed to be a transparent, colorless, soft, odorless, formless, and tasteless chemical substance. Yet, given the right circumstances, it becomes the ultimate solvent and forms canyons, lakes, streams, and seas. It is the most versatile substance that can be used for hydrating, cleaning, or washing. If given enough pressure, water can cut through almost any material on Earth. Water is the primary constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere and the main fluid of all living organisms. Most of the food we eat consists mainly of water (structured water from cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, and even meat & dairy).

The primary source for the majority of water supplies for humans comes from rainfall or melted snowfall, which is primarily distilled water. Rain falls into the land, which runs into streams and rivers and eventually becomes groundwater. Then, water begins to structure with minerals. 

Unfortunately, our water has become highly toxic in today’s modern world, even before it lands on the ground. From the chemicals sprayed in the air from our industries, factories, and treatment plants and now chemical spills into our water supply, it is more important than ever to have a high-quality drinking water and shower water filtration system for you and your family. 

Tap Water and Other Types of Water

The water flowing into most people’s houses through their faucets/hoses is unsafe for internal or external consumption—even the vegetables and fruits we buy from the grocery stores we have to be aware of. Most grocery store produce, even if organic, is still grown with NPK fertilizer, sprayed, or coated with some toxic something (waxes, etc.). It is often grown with, you guessed it, low-quality, chemically ladened tap water.

Most people are aware of (or we at least hope that most are aware of) the toxicity of our modern water supply. Still, some people need to be made aware of the toxicity of even showering in tap water, brushing your teeth, and washing your face with tap water (and most water supplies, for that matter).

Tap water is a form of hard water. Tap water often comes with a sour, bitter, or salty taste, likely affecting any drink you put it in. We are highly against tap water; we do not recommend tap water for drinking or any type of consumption. It is overly acidic and highly chemically treated “dead” water containing hundreds if not thousands of contaminants, including aluminum, iron, arsenic, and many other heavy metals. Not just that, the majority of tap water also contains disinfectant by-products, sulfuric, nitric, hydro fluorosilicic, haloacetic, hypochlorous, and hydrochloric acids; fluoride, chlorine/chloramine, pharmaceuticals, and many more non-consumable chemical agents. 

The EPA does not regulate many groundwater sources like lakes and rivers, consequently allowing these toxins to slip past the regulations and right into your home. Shouldn’t this be common knowledge by now? But since these water sources are unregulated, PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances, forever chemicals) also find their way into our food; whether you are making stew, soup, pasta, or rice, it all gets absorbed right into your food. The EWG has discovered that more than 200 million people, the majority of Americans, have tap water contaminated with a mixture of PFOA and PFOS at concentrations of one part per trillion (ppt) or higher. 

Did you know that most of the bottled water you thought you were hydrating yourself with is just poorly filtered water sealed into a toxic plastic bottle? Often, these bottles are exposed to heat during transport or sunlight, which causes even more toxicity to leech from the plastic into the water. Not just that, but up to half of the bottled water available is really just reprocessed municipal water. In other words, it is just toxic tap water filtered only slightly more. 

Most companies claiming their water is from some exotic volcanic island or some special, pristine ice cap/glacier are just banking that their consumers will fall for their deceptive marketing tactics. This is nothing more than an illusion, and shame on them for making people pay top dollar for junk water stored in garbage plastic bottles in hopes of consuming a higher quality, healthier alternative to the toxic, budgeted plastic water bottle brands. Some of these companies admit up front that they are just bottling tap water with zero added filtration.

We now understand that the majority of municipal water systems are a poor solution to the problem at large. Below is why we do not recommend using certain water filters.

  • Some water filtration tools, such as ionizers, remove acids but fail to remove the hundreds of remaining chemicals and heavy metals. 
  • Bottled water is unregulated and highly acidic; did we mention the toxicity and thousands of chemicals utilized in the manufacturing process of the plastic bottles themselves? 
  • While Reverse Osmosis effectively eliminates bacteria from water, it does not neutralize the acids present in the water, such as sulfuric, nitric, and other highly toxic acids. As a result, the water remains highly acidic and contains significant amounts of chemical contaminants. 
  • Distilled water is dead water and highly acidic, which is not ideal for human consumption, especially long term. The main reason it is not ideal is because water is naturally a solvent; however, water without any form of bioavailable minerals becomes more of a solvent, depleting and leeching copious amounts of essential minerals from our bodies. 
  • As we mentioned earlier, tap water is the worst of them all, containing chemicals and disinfectants that can be linked to cancer and diseases. Tap water should be avoided at all costs as it is highly dangerous for human consumption. 
  • Other water filters that we don’t really recommend are the ever-so-popular Brita filter (and various similar brands) as well as the increasingly popular yet extremely overpriced Kangen water filtration unit. When we were vegan/vegetarian (long ago), this unit was highly praised for its ability to create both highly acidic water (stripping pesticides off produce) and super alkaline water. The issue is that it may remove acids but does not remove the total dissolved solids (TDS). 
  • The Berkey water filtration unit is okay; it’s specifically designed for survival or SHTF (you can google search for that acronym) but comes with its own limitations.

Where to Start

Step One: Search Your Water on EWG

We wouldn’t give you this information without a viable solution! Let’s start by visiting They give you the ability to search your zip code, allowing you to read a report of what is in your water, or at least most of what is harmful in your water. 

Step Two: Utilize Magnesium Daily, Either Chloride (Foot Baths) or Magnesium Bicarbonate (Mixed with Gerolsteiner and Lemon as a drink)

We have a way to help get these PFAS out of your body. The human body excretes toxins through sweat, urine, and bowel movements, but the primary mineral that grabs the toxins to rid them from your body is magnesium. We recommend buying a high-quality magnesium supplement such as our magnesium bicarbonate mixed with fresh organic lemon juice and clean, sparkling mineral water such as Gerolsteiner (sip slowly). You can also use a high-quality magnesium glycinate, malate, or (topical or foot baths) chloride solution on a daily basis.

Step Three: Buy a Shower Filter and a Drinking Water Filter

(The Most Critical Step)

It is imperative that we mitigate these toxins from our food and water supply. The best way to do this is with the highly recommended 12-stage filtration system from Omica Organic. We recommend adding the Omica Shower Filter to your shower as well. You can also use this to fill up the bath for soaking. If you would like to invest in a whole-house unit, we also recommend Omica’s Whole House Filtration unit. We have tried many other brands, and most were overpriced with less filtration. Omica Organics has proven to be the best and is the brand we personally switched to and stand by. You can Code MGS for 10% Off all Omica products. All their filters will actively filter out all PFAS and leave you with pristine water to improve your well-being.

Which Water Filtration Unit Do We Use? 

There are a few water filtration units that we do recommend, but only really one that we utilize ourselves in our own homes. In fact, we even use this unit for all of our water filtration needs when we produce our in-house magnesium bicarbonate products.

This unit is the Omica Organics 12-Stage Water Filtration and Activation System, which filters particles as small as 1/1000 micron and removes 99.9% of undesirable contaminants up to 1000 gallons — including, but not limited to:

  • Aluminum
  • Harmful Acids such as sulfuric, nitric, hydrofluorosilicic, haloacetic, hypochlorous, and hydrochloric acids. 
  • Antimony
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Chloramine
  • Chlorine
  • Chromium
  • Colloids
  • Copper
  • Fluoride
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Pentavalent
  • Radioactive Particles
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (Benzene, Chloroform, Haloketones, Xylenes)
  • The specialized filtration featured on Omica’s 12-Stage Water Filter Systems is also proven to remove the following:
  • Asbestos
  • Bacteria
  • Dirt
  • Nitrates & Nitrites
  • Odors
  • Pharmaceuticals (Antibiotics, etc.)
  • Protozoa (Cryptosporidium, Giardia)
  • Radium
  • Rust
  • Viruses

Omica’s 12-Stage Water Filter & Activation System is uniquely designed to further reduce radioactive particles with a unique combination of zeolite, shungite, and specially activated coconut carbon. Third-party lab tests on Omica’s 12-Stage Water Filtration System confirm the removal of 99.9% of gross alpha and gross beta radiation.

Additionally, Omica Organics has gone a step further by carefully developing a proprietary method that alkalizes the water and re-introduces healthy amounts of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Most R.O. Filters miss this step leaving toxic acids in the water. Omica purified water uses an ionized and alkalized method, which improves its health benefits and taste.

If water even has a taste, which it really does or can, then it should taste crisp, clean, and delicious. The Kangen water filter system left much to be desired; it almost tasted like alkalized tap water. Needless to say, it did not taste as pure as the Omica Organics filtered water. Distilled water tastes like absolutely nothing because it is nothing; it’s dead water, and some may praise distilled water for that reason, but we do not for the reasons we mentioned earlier. Tap water obviously tastes atrocious if you are even acclimated to the taste of real water, which many people are completely oblivious to. Plastic bottled water just tastes like tap water but is often worse with a plastic aftertaste. 

How Do I Truly Hydrate? 

Should I start drinking 8-10+ glasses of water daily, like everyone tells me? No.

We must understand that water is a solvent, and the more you drink, the more minerals you flush out, and the more you strip from your mucosa lining and dilute your digestive juices. If we go to hydrate our skin with water, it dries the skin out; if we hydrate with raw unsalted butter or some other form of raw saturated fat, it deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin/flesh. 

We must focus on more staple, nutrient-dense, and hydrating foods like raw, grass-fed unsalted butter, raw heavy cream, freshly pressed coconut cream, blended coconut meat and coconut water, and even pastured raw egg yolks mixed into a homemade raw milkshake. It is also important to start adding in more raw, organic, fresh peeled cucumbers with organic stone-pressed olive oil. On top of this, also try sipping on some fresh peeled and juiced organic cucumbers, lemons, carrots, and parsley. Even throw some local fresh celery juice in there, and always top it off by gently mixing a good amount of grass-fed/finished, raw heavy cream. The more you drink these types of drinks, the more raw cream you will desire and mix in. Sip slowly, and you will be far more hydrated than just drinking plain water. You can also add some raw grass-fed whey in there if you are sweating, working, and/or exerting a lot of energy.

Sipping slowly is essential, not just with water but with most fluids like milk and fresh green juice. If you are drinking water or green juice, try to sip no more than 1-2 tablespoons every 5 minutes. Gulping is the worst thing you can do for hydration.

When you gulp, most of the water will go right into the kidneys, and all those nutrients cannot reach your cells. It causes dehydration because the body wants to replace that water. Impossible. By drinking water, you cannot get the ion activity between the nutrients and the water again. If you blended water with some cottage cheese, put a little honey or some fruit in it, you would get it to reconstitute the water. It may not be perfect, but you can improve it to be more like fresh food that provides nourishment instead of dehydrated and rehydrated substances.

Check out this Q&A from Aajonus Vonderplanitz With His Patients About Hydration and Water (We Want To Live 2013 Q&A):

Q: People long ago had raw meat and streams to drink water out of.

A: They didn’t have to drink water. They weren’t polluted. You have jungle [desert?] animals. You have dogs that never see water for months until it rains. Then they’ll lap some up when it rains. But they’ll go months without. Elephants go six months without drinking water. Camels go two months without drinking water. Most animals do not drink water. The only animals that normally drink water on a regular basis are birds because they eat so many dried foods like seeds, grains, and bugs. Bugs have a lot of hard shells, and it takes more water to help break down. Birds are built to drink water.

Q: I’ve probably asked this before, but – water? He [husband?] knows I’m dehydrated and says I need to drink water.

A: Look how much water you’re retaining. You’re not technically dehydrated. Your cells just are not getting the fluids they need because they cannot absorb plain water. There has to be all kinds of nutrients bound with it. That’s why the more water you drink, the more you’re thirsty. It dries the system.

Q: We talk about water every day. [Husband speaking?] Her kidneys were hurting, so I told her to drink more water to flush them out.

A: That will make it worse. It will strip the mucus of the kidney lining. Then the kidney is very vulnerable and dehydrates the kidney cells, so it makes the condition worse. The medical profession tells people to do that, and that’s why they end up in dialysis by listening to them. So that’s not a remedy. You need milkshakes to get the mucus going to coat the kidneys. You need water that can be absorbed cellularly. Everything you eat is mainly water. Even meat is 55-70% water if it’s raw. Once you cook it, you fractionate the ions, and the water is separated from everything. So are your nutrients separated and cauterized, not even absorbable or digestible? But milk is 86-90% water. Fruits are 93% water. Everything is majorly water, but you have all of these enzymes and vitamins and water-soluble fats. Everything the cells need to be able to utilize H2O. H2O is just a way to transfer the nutrients. It’s not the end product the cells are after. In fact, water by itself is bad for you in most instances.

Q: I love the Gerolsteiner because it’s so refreshing.

A: But see what happens to your skin. Your skin is not supple. It’s still very dry, and you’ve been eating this diet for 15 years.

Q: But I have the moisturizer drink every day.

A: It doesn’t make any difference. If you drink a lot of water, you’re going to dry yourself out.

Q: So, just take a sip or two [of Gerolsteiner]? What do you mean?

A: With Gerolsteiner or any water, take one tablespoon every five minutes if you’re going to drink water. You’ve been on the diet too long. I don’t drink water. Well, he came into the house, so I’ve had maybe ¾ of a cup of water this last week but never more than 1 ½ tablespoons at a time. I hadn’t had water for a full month before that. Even in the tropics. I drink milk, and if I can’t get milk, I’ll blend together coconut water and medium-ripe coconut meat. So I’m never drinking water. Juice. But if I have more than a cup a day more than four days in a row, it stops digestion for me. So, I’m down to one, two or three cups a week at the most.

In Summary

  1. Filter The Water You Drink. (Omica 12 Stage Water Filtration)
    1. Start sipping rather than gulping all the fluids/liquids you consume. If you drink water, try to consume no more than 1-2 Tbsp—every 5 minutes max. 
  2. Filter The Water You Shower In. (Omica Shower Head)
    1. We should care about what goes on our skin just like we care about what goes in our mouths. Avoid bathing or showering in any tap water. The skin fully absorbs most chemicals, especially chlorine and fluoride. Not good!
  3. Start Supplementing Magnesium Either Internally or Topically.
    1. Magnesium Bicarbonate (Internal)
    2. Magnesium Chloride (Topical Spray, Full Baths & Foot Baths)
  4. Start Hydrating More than Just Plain Water.
    1. Raw Saturated Fats 
      1. Raw Grass-Fed Unsalted Butter
        1. Lubrication Formula; Low Heat Melted Raw Butter + Raw Lemon/Lime + Raw Honey + Optional Raw Egg
      2. Raw Grass-Fed Unsalted Heavy Cream
      3. Coconut Cream (Preferably Not Canned or with added Gums)
      4. Coconut Meat + Water Blended
    2. Organic Low Sugar Fruits (As Salads w/ Stone Pressed Organic Olive Oil or Juiced)
      1. Organic Raw Peeled Cucumbers (Great Combined With Raw Shredded Org. Carrot Salads w/ Olive Oil
      2. Organic Raw Tomatoes 
      3. Organic Lemons & Limes (In Juice)
      4. Organic, Preferably Local, Raw Celery Juice (Combined with all fruits/vegetables listed above)
    3. Some Sugar Fruits + Raw Honey
      1. Fresh, Slightly Unripe Organic Pineapple with Raw Cream or Blended in a Lubrication Formula 
      2. Fresh, Slightly Unripe Organic Papaya with Raw Cream 
      3. Organic Fresh Berries With Fresh Raw Cream
      4. Low Pesticide Raw Honey Mixed with Raw Butter or Cream
    4. Not Overcooking Your Meat & Fish
      1. Many people are hyper-afraid of parasites and pathogens and live an overly sterile lifestyle leading to them cauterizing their foods beyond nutritionally acceptable. Try eating more Rare Steaks, even Blued. If you are afraid of parasites, simply combine a few raw onions with the undercooked meat. Some raw dishes even use raw vinegar or citrus to help with any “fear” of pathogens or parasites that some may be concerned about. Many cultures even have iconic raw dishes that millions have eaten for hundreds if not thousands of years without any issues at all. Some of these hydrating dishes include; Kinilaw (Philippines), Steak Tar-Tar (Germany, France and etc.), Ceviche (Spanish or South American), and of course, the very well-known Sushi and Sashimi (Japanese). Of course, many will argue that we must deep freeze our fish/meat for 10 days minimum for it to be safe to be eaten raw. 

Have any questions or concerns? Email us at [email protected] we are here to help!

God Bless,

Nick & Nathan


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