by Nick & Nathan | Feb 7, 2022 | Lifestyle
In early 2021, we discovered a substantial amount of water leakage from our AC Unit, leaking into the back walls towards the basement bathroom. This leak ended up tracking mold and mildew throughout the entire house via air circulation. We felt fatigued without any apparent reason due to the poor air quality. Lately, we have not felt that fatigue as much.
by Nick & Nathan | Jan 26, 2022 | Lifestyle
In a world of false advertising and deceptive marketing tactics, it can be challenging to purchase products that actually do what they say they do and not the opposite of what they are promoting. What do we mean by this? For example, let’s look at red light companies....
by Nick & Nathan | Jul 14, 2021 | Lifestyle
Do you know what the best thing about a good quality health tool is? The ability for it to fit into virtually anyone’s lifestyle and work passively to regenerate and heal someone’s body. Table of Contents Why Do You Need Magnetism?A Brief Overview of the HistoryWhat...