Why Trigger-Point?

Why Trigger-Point?

Think of our body (our fascia specifically) like clay. To mold clay and make it flexible, you must add water and knead it to make it more malleable. If that clay becomes dry (dehydrated), it becomes hard (calcified). Our fascia is the same. Try stretching hard clay....
The Ins and Outs of Taking Shilajit

The Ins and Outs of Taking Shilajit

If you’re looking for a supplement that packs a punch and provides numerous health benefits, look no further than shilajit. But before you start taking shilajit, it’s important to understand how it works and the various forms it can come in. Shilajit is a...
The Importance of Good Sleep

The Importance of Good Sleep

Most people are familiar with the feeling of being exhausted. You know, that sensation where you can barely keep your eyes open, and every bone in your body aches for rest. Being tired isn’t just an inconvenience; it can seriously affect our health and...