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The Best Healthy Smoothie Recipe

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We enjoy making daily lubrication/moisturizing formulas, which have greatly enhanced our health more than any other protocol or food. It’s recommended to consume 30-90 minutes after a meat meal. This recipe and excerpts are from Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s book, Recipe for Living Without Disease. We highly recommend this book!

The Foundational Lubrication/Moisturizing Formula:

  • 3-8 Tablespoons of Raw, Grass-fed, Unsalted Butter
  • 1-2 Organic Squeezed Lemons (Optional Limes)
  • 1-2 Raw Eggs (Pasture Raised)
  • 1 Tablespoon Raw, Unheated Honey (Organic)

Blend or stir it up and enjoy! It’s like a lemon meringue.

RAW BUTTER “The fat in unsalted raw butter can strengthen organs and glands, can help heal our eyes, can cleanse the arteries and the vascular system. This specific fat also can help dissolve plaque made from hardened and/or crystallized cooked fats (mainly vegetable fats), as well as chelate and escort byproducts and waste from the body all while providing lubrication to the bones, cartilage and teeth. This fat can be utilized for all body-fat needs: cleansing, dissolving, lubricating, fueling, protecting, rejuvenating and helping to reproduce cells.”

RAW EGGS “Eggs are remarkable for everyone, especially those who are infirm. Three years ago, a medical doctor called me on a Thursday evening about her 70-year-old female patient with emphysema. She explained that her patient had been mainly bedridden for 2 years, was on 100% oxygen (Red Flag — Need at least 5% co2) and respiratory machines. She prognoses that her patient would die that weekend unless I could help. I told her that the only thing that I thought might help at that late stage was eggs. I recommended that she get her patient, 10 dozen raw eggs and put them on her bed-table. I suggested that she ask her patient to eat one as often as she could and that there was no limit. Very early Monday morning, I received a call from the patient. She told me that she was off the machines, out of bed and feeling stronger than she had in years. She had eaten 66 eggs over the weekend. If eggs are whipped, beaten or blenderized without raw milk, cream or coconut cream present, then many of the enzymes become oxidized and lost. Therefore, if we eat eggs alone, do not mix, beat, whip, or blenderize them.”

UNHEATED HONEY contains an insulin-like substance that is produced by bees when collecting nectar. That insulin-like substance converts 90% of the carbohydrate in nectar into enzymes that help digest, assimilate and utilize protein. Unheated honey is a wonderful sweet food that helps digest all types of meat. That honey is wonderful for infants, fed in small amounts at a time. The insulin-like substance begins detrimental alteration at 93°F (33°C) and is destroyed at 100°F (37°C): Diabetics, hypoglycemics and some infants cannot utilize honey if the insulin-like substance is destroyed. Honey that is heated above 104°F (39°C) is radical sugar that often causes slow deterioration of membranes in the body. Honey heated above 104°F (39°C) may cause toxicity in some infants.”

Care to read more about our in-depth raw fat blog? Click here!

* This post contains affiliate link(s) or codes. An affiliate link or code means I may earn advertising/referral fees if you make a purchase through my link, without any extra cost to you. It helps to keep our small business afloat. Thanks for your support.

1 Comment

  1. Could I replace the butter with raw cream? I have access to that but not raw butter (I can make it but am not always able to).


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