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Magnesium – An Extensive Guide on Each Form

Elemental Magnesium

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Magnesium is often referred to as “the master mineral.” It controls 42% of your body’s enzymatic reactions. As Morley Robbins states, “Enzymes are the Keys to the ignition.” Magnesium helps protein synthesis and muscle and nerve function. It helps regulate blood pressure as well as stabilize blood sugar levels.

Surprisingly, many people are deficient in magnesium without even realizing it, which can have significant health implications. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of magnesium in simple terms and discuss the various forms it comes in. We’ll also delve into the research and studies conducted on each form, shedding light on their unique benefits. Whether you’re curious about this unsung hero or considering magnesium supplements, this article will provide you with easy-to-understand insights into why magnesium matters and how it can benefit your health.

What is Magnesium? 

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body that may prevent diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, depression, cancer, anxiety, constipation, intestinal irritation, and possibly many other diseases. There are over sixty-five conditions associated with magnesium deficiency and over 100 factors related to magnesium deficiency, such as anger, anxiety, confusion, brain trauma, asthma, and many more (The Magnesium Miracle (Second Edition)). 

The body also utilizes magnesium for detoxification pathways, including correcting/buffering too much acid buildup in the body, neutralizing toxic waste, and protection from heavy metals. Research shows that adequate amounts of magnesium bicarbonate protect brain cells from the caustic effects of aluminum, cadmium, mercury, beryllium, lead, nickel, and more. These metals (and many more) compete with magnesium. If magnesium is low, these metals have free access to the brain. 

Every single cell in the human body requires adequate amounts of magnesium to function. Magnesium also improves concentration and focus and calms the brain by lowering glutamate. Calcium contracts our muscles, whereas magnesium relaxes our muscles. 

Did we mention the heart is a muscle? Not every form or source of magnesium is created equal. Some forms have more bioavailability than others, while some are utterly toxic and nothing more than a poor-quality laxative, making achieving optimal levels and cell saturation nearly impossible. It’s not just the form of magnesium, though; it’s also the sourcing. Each form of magnesium will yield unique reactions for each individual.

Most doctors and misled information being spread lead us to believe you will know you are consuming enough magnesium when you reach the laxative effect. It is not that simple, though. Magnesium oxide is generally a doctor’s choice; however, it is only 4% absorbed and highly laxative. Many doctors are taught that if you have any form of kidney dysfunction, kidney disease, or even kidney failure, you should be careful with consuming magnesium and possibly avoid it overall. Dr. Carolyn Dean has found that kidney patients, even those on dialysis, can safely take a picometer of a stabilized ionic form of magnesium for their debilitating leg cramps and heart palpitations.

Another important thing to mention is that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy molecules are made in the mitochondria via the Krebs cycle. Six of the eight steps in the Krebs cycle are dependent on magnesium. The definitive test that would inform you about the status of your magnesium levels, the ionized magnesium blood test, is not readily available to the public. An alternative, less accurate, but still helpful test is the magnesium RBC test. Most doctors rely on the serum magnesium test, which is inaccurate. Yet, it is still used as the standard means of testing in hospitals, clinics, and most clinical trials. It does not even appear on an electrolyte panel. Only 1 percent of the body’s magnesium is in the blood, and only 40 percent is in the tissues.

When beginning with any form of magnesium, we recommend always starting low and slow, at least half the dosage, spreading the dosage through the day, and keeping it away from food for at least 60-90 minutes. Dilute your magnesium in your water and only sip; avoid gulping. Try pairing your magnesium with some form of physical activity or movement or when under immense stress/mental/physical demand. Again, try to avoid taking too much at once.

“Up to 50% of sudden heart attacks may be due to magnesium deficiency…” – Dr. James Pierce, Ph.D., Author, Your Nutritional Key to Cardiovascular Wellness.

“An analysis of seven major clinical studies shows that intravenous magnesium reduced the risk of death by 55% after acute heart attack. These results were published in the prestigious British Medical Journal and the widely read journal Drugs. With such positive scientific results and doctors claiming that they practice “scientific medicine,” why isn’t IV magnesium being routinely given to everyone who presents in the ER with an acute heart attack?” (The Magnesium Miracle (Second Edition))

Dr. Carolyn Dean wrote a paper in 2003 called “Death by Medicine,” and later a book called “Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions,” wherein she enumerated statistics about iatrogenic illness (illness caused by medical treatment) for prescription drugs and supplements. While there are no deaths from supplements, the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that between 90,000 and 160,000 deaths per year occur from using FDA-approved drugs, making drugs the fourth most common cause of death. This figure does not even include medical and surgical mistakes or preventable deaths from smoking, high blood pressure, and being overweight. When anti-supplement critics insist dietary supplements have caused deaths, they refer to a single batch of tryptophan, tainted with a genetically engineered additive, sold in the late 1980s.

We are in a world of toxicity and are exposed to more toxic metals and various pollutants than ever before. Whether from air pollution, additives, coloring, fillers, preservatives, perfumes, sprays, cleaners, soaps, shower gels, fertilizers, pesticides, harsh solvents, or synthetic vitamins/minerals, we are bombarded and under attack. People who inhabit modern cities and even suburbs have no choice but to supplement with high-quality magnesium. It almost seems that everything attacks, blocks, or antagonizes magnesium, and magnesium influences everything. 

When magnesium levels are critically low, spasms of the coronary arteries can trigger, which affects the flow of oxygen and blood to the heart. In other words, this can trigger a heart attack. People who experience fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even osteoporosis have all been linked to lower bone (and overall levels of) magnesium levels than those without these conditions. 

Dr. Mildred Seelig, author of The Magnesium Factor, is one of the leading researchers on magnesium deficiency. Dr. Seelig found that many of the side effects of drugs are simply symptoms of magnesium deficiency. The drugs either deplete our magnesium reserves or increase the demand for magnesium in the body. If our magnesium is low, calcium builds up in the tissues and ultimately in the cells, causing hypertension, headaches, asthma, angina, arrhythmia, and more. 

Magnesium plays a crucial role in several signaling mechanisms within our nervous system, including NMDA, GABA, HPA, and Calcium Channels. Magnesium regulates ion channels and is an important membrane-stabilizing agent. Stabilization decreases excitation of nerves and excessive contraction of muscle cell membranes. Magnesium is an important intracellular signaling molecule itself. Magnesium is intimately involved in efficient nerve conduction. 

Many suggest that our goal intake for magnesium to calcium ratio should be a 1:1 ratio at least. Magnesium can cause diarrhea, and calcium can cause constipation. This is because magnesium inhibits/relaxes the cells of the intestine, while calcium excites the cells of the intestines. People often mistake the quick laxative effect from low-bioavailability magnesium salts as a positive thing, not realizing that it’s the form of magnesium that causes bowel movement from within the body through the involuntary contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles, called peristalsis. 

These cellular effects change the speed at which food goes through the intestines. This is why we recommend consuming some form of calcium at the same time. You could crush eggshells and make a powder as a bioavailable calcium supplement in the form of calcium carbonate. You could form calcium citrate by simply letting the eggshells sit in lemon juice, which is arguably a more absorbable form of calcium. 

The tricky part is that calcium and magnesium compete for absorption, so if you ingest calcium and magnesium together, they will compete with each other (meaning you will absorb less of each). Also, low or high protein intake can reduce magnesium intake as well as phytates from various vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. Magnesium is best on an empty stomach. If you need more bioavailable calcium, you could drink some raw milk and separately consume magnesium bicarbonate, spray our magnesium chloride on your body, and get some sun (Vitamin D) to help assist in proper magnesium absorption and utilization. 

Proper metabolic function depends on magnesium. As mentioned earlier, magnesium is a required cofactor for thousands of metabolic enzymes. Some of those enzyme functions include:

  • Hexokinase
  • Protein Kinase
  • Creatine Kinase
  • Kinases B
  • PDH
  • Enzyme Substrate ATP synthesis and transport in the bloodstream (as Mg-ATP complex). 
  • Na+ /K+-ATPase
  • Ca2+-ATPase
  • Direct Enzyme Activation
  • Phosphofructokinase
  • Adenylate Cyclase
  • Guanylate Cyclase 
  • 5-Phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate synthetase
    • And Much More!

Let’s discuss some ways to ensure your body has enough magnesium:

  1. Sodium – Dr. Peat, Ph.D., has often stated that getting enough sodium in the diet helps retain magnesium. Still, both of these minerals are easily lost when thyroid function is low. When the thyroid status is good, the requirement for magnesium CAN be met by ordinary foods. We recommend consuming more organic forms of sodium naturally found in food rather than hard rock salt. If you do decide to consume lots of rock salt, then we suggest opting for Icelandic sea salt, which naturally has copious amounts of bioavailable minerals present. As we discussed, though, in today’s world, we recommend supplementing with lots of magnesium in both bicarbonate form (internal) and chloride (externally) on the feet. Check out our fat blog; our salt section goes into much more depth on this topic.
  2. Reduce Stress – This one goes without saying, but the more stress you have, the more nutrients you need (especially magnesium). Stress doesn’t just deplete vital nutrients but also lowers thyroid function. So keep calm and magnesium on! 
  3. Bone Broth & Boiled Veggies (Avoid the Fiber) – Both are great sources of minerals if you do a slow boil and drink it slowly throughout the day like a soup. Opt for the highest quality source of veggies and bones you can find (Grass-fed, Organic, Avoid NPK Soil and tap water-grown veggies if you can).
  4. Epsom Salt and Magnesium Chloride Baths – Try soaking at least 1-3 times per week in a hot bath (check out our bath blog on this) with a lot of magnesium chloride and Epsom salt flakes added in. You can add baking soda and other minerals as well. Be sure to hydrate before, during, and after because you will lose a lot of fluids from sweating!
  5. Supplements – The two best forms of magnesium we recommend supplementing with are magnesium bicarbonate (internal) and magnesium chloride spray (external), sprayed on the feet and massaged in or anywhere on the body. We sell both of these, and we just released our new magnesium chloride product that contains Hydrosols to lessen the burn effect from chloride that most people experience. We sell these two forms because we believe they are the most bioavailable forms on the planet.

Dr. Peat has written extensively on magnesium and sodium and their deficiencies in hypothyroidism. He has often stated that he recommends magnesium in the form of carbonate or bicarbonate (better) and is not opposed to magnesium glycinate. Check out some of these quotes below from Dr. Peat about magnesium:

“The toxic effects of excessive intracellular calcium (decreased respiration and increased excitation) are opposed by magnesium. Both thyroid and progesterone improve magnesium retention. Estrogen dominance is often associated with magnesium deficiency, which can be an important factor in osteoporosis (Abraham and Grewal, 1990; Muneyyirci-Delale, et al., 1999).”

“So in many situations, magnesium imitates thyroid function, but the two together really are simply energizing the tissue; and you can go from crampy legs, or many old people get “jumpy legs” — a funny sensation that makes their legs kick when they try to go to sleep — you can go from that hyperactivity of the legs to many other conditions including heart rhythm problems, insomnia, muscle pains in general, many states that are considered degenerative diseases, but are simply low thyroid/low magnesium states that prevent efficient energy production.”

“When you take thyroid, it energizes your cells to make ATP, and it happens that ATP binds magnesium, so you don’t really take up magnesium into the cell very efficiently unless you have adequate thyroid. And when you are low in thyroid, you tend to lose magnesium during stress, and chronically that leads to a crampy, inefficient condition where you waste oxygen, producing your energy, but you can’t retain it because of the lack of magnesium.”

If you would like to check out more Ray Peat quotes talking about the efficacy of magnesium. Check out the link here. 

Magnesium Deficiency

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency include but are not limited to the following:

  • tiredness
  • poor coordination
  • headaches
  • migraines
  • sleep disorder
  • exhaustion
  • restlessness
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • increased irritability
  • stomach cramps
  • nausea
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • muscle cramps
  • appetite loss 
  • weakness
  • confusion
  • personality changes
  • easily stressed
  • excessive amounts of shoulder and neck tension
  • palpitations
  • menstrual disorders 
  • tachycardia
  • kidney stones 
  • cold hands and feet 
  • tingling and cramping in either feet or hands

Magnesium deficiency causes dysregulation of the sodium-magnesium exchange, resulting in higher intracellular sodium and, thus, higher blood pressure. A relatively low magnesium level creates an intracellular imbalance between calcium and magnesium, which increases spasms in the smooth muscle of arteries, raising blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency causes insulin resistance, which causes hyperinsulinemia, resulting in hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

As we will repeat many times in this blog, always begin taking magnesium very slowly, especially if you have a high toxin load, have a chronic disease, or are on many medications. Do not take copious amounts of magnesium right away without doing proper testing (RBC Test). It’s important to take magnesium with a multiple mineral supplement such as shilajit (we have several options). Again, make sure you have sufficient amounts of bioavailable calcium intake. Be sure to review any contraindications before supplementing with magnesium. As always, ask your doctor before adding any supplement to your regimen. 

Magnesium deficiency is not a new topic. It’s just that the information is not well-known to the masses. We have copious amounts of evidence suggesting that our soils have suffered from mineral depletion for more than seventy years, which was read into the record of the 74th Congress, 2nd session (Senate document no.264), 1936. Several laboratory tests prove that today’s veggies, fruits, grains, eggs, dairy, and meats are not what they were several generations ago. 

People are definitely becoming more aware of the importance of magnesium than they were decades ago. However, our schools lack the education needed for future generations to understand the importance of magnesium. Even most general practitioners, and doctors for that matter, are completely oblivious to magnesium education (and mineral salts) because they are busy studying disease but not wellness. What’s on their mind most of the time is simply searching for a diagnosis for your symptoms and matching a drug to their diagnosis. 

Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

The following are some of the most common causes of magnesium deficiency. This, however, is not an exhaustive list, as there can be many other causes. Many items from this list are from The Magnesium Miracle (Second Edition).

  • Athletic performance causes sweat loss of magnesium.
  • Alcohol causes magnesium depletion due to its diuretic effect.
  • Antacids counteract stomach acid, decreasing magnesium absorption.
  • Acid Rain is high in nitric acid, which draws calcium and magnesium out of the soil to try and neutralize the acidity, consequently depleting the soil of these minerals. The rain is estimated to be 10,000 times more acidic than 100 years ago.
  • Caffeine causes magnesium depletion with its diuretic effect. It also stimulates the adrenal glands, causing adrenaline surges and magnesium loss. 
  • Most drugs cause magnesium depletion, especially in drugs containing fluorine atoms.
  • Fertilizers do not replace necessary minerals but are high in phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen (NPK fertilizer). Excess potassium and phosphorus are preferentially absorbed into plants, inhibiting magnesium absorption.
  • Fluoride and fluorine in water, from dental procedures, toothpaste, and drugs bind magnesium, making it unavailable to the body. Magnesium fluoride (MgF2), called sellaite, is an insoluble compound and replaces magnesium in bone and cartilage with a brittle, unstable crystalline substance.
  • Food processing and cooking decrease magnesium levels. 
  • Herbicides such as Roundup bind with magnesium, making it unavailable for plants to utilize for decades.
  • Pesticides kill worms and bacteria; thus, their function of processing the soil and breaking down minerals is lost, which means plants absorb fewer minerals. 
  • Intestinal diseases can interfere with magnesium absorption, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, gluten and casein sensitivity, funguses, and parasites.
  • Junk foods, especially high-processed sugar/chemical products, drain magnesium. The liver needs twenty-eight atoms of magnesium to process one molecule of glucose. Fructose requires fifty-six atoms of magnesium.
  • Meat from animals eating magnesium-depleted food is low in magnesium.
  • Oxalic acid (found in rhubarb, spinach, and chard) and phytic acid (found in certain nuts, seeds, cereal grains, and soy) block magnesium absorption.
  • Low potassium levels can increase urinary magnesium loss.
  • High-protein diets can decrease magnesium absorption and require more magnesium for digestion and assimilation.
  • Refining grains, especially rice and wheat, reduces magnesium. 
  • As we have said many times, soil on farmland is depleted of magnesium.
  • Stomach acid deficiency due to stress results in decreased absorption of magnesium.
  • Tannins in tea bind and remove minerals, including magnesium. 
  • Water softening treatment reduces magnesium. 
  • Trans fatty acids and mineral deficiency alter cell wall integrity, making the cell walls more rigid, which affects receptor site function and prevents the flow of nutrients in or out of cells. 

Do You Feel Worse After Taking Magnesium?

Some people may feel worse after taking magnesium. It’s not always the magnesium itself, but the total environment in which you are taking magnesium can be affecting you. Sometimes, you take too much too soon, and sometimes you need more due to the magnesium burn rate (stress, etc.). Magnesium can also cause detox reactions, especially if you’ve consumed a toxic diet for years, prescription medications, heavy metals, stress chemicals, yeast overgrowth, and even environmental chemicals. 

Dr. Carolyn Dean states, “As magnesium enters your cells, it stimulates cellular detoxification and dumps toxins and heavy metals from your cells into the lymphatic system. These are eventually excreted through your skin, kidneys and colon. Toxins surfacing on the skin can cause skin irritation, inflammation, hives and rashes. This is not an allergy type of reaction towards magnesium, but a simple cleansing reaction, as the body is now better able to do its job because of magnesium.” 

Other reasons you could be experiencing issues while taking magnesium could be related to having low blood pressure from long-standing magnesium deficiency and adrenal fatigue. Perhaps you’re on heart medications. Maybe you’ve started taking iodine or thyroid medication. Perhaps you are consuming too much Vitamin D or calcium. You may not be consuming enough B vitamins, and again, you may be taking too much magnesium at once and not enough trace minerals or hydration through other means. You may be mercury toxic or consuming too much fluoride or a drug that contains fluoride as fluoride binds to magnesium. You may have yeast overgrowth. Dr. Dean states in her book, The Magnesium Miracle, that magnesium helps to detoxify yeast toxins or yeast itself, and you could be experiencing yeast die-off. Symptoms can range from skin rashes, vaginitis, sinusitis, itching ears, brain fog, and more. In this case, she recommends doing a yeast-free diet, taking probiotics, and employing natural anti-fungal remedies. 

Dr. Carolyn Dean states, “Nutrition is not even a medical specialty. It wasn’t a specialty 50 years ago and still is not to this day. She states that the first two years of medical school she learned was all about disease; the second two years she studied drug treatments for those diseases. They spent no time on nutrient deficiencies. To make matters worse, over the past two decades the bulk of university funding has come from the pharmaceutical industry, which primarily funds drug research. There is no incentive for anyone to test magnesium in large clinical trials since they could never recoup the money spent on the trial.” She states that biochemistry is essential to learn about all the nutrient cofactors necessary for every biochemical reaction.

Why Do We Need Magnesium More Than Ever Before?

It is almost impossible to get sufficient amounts of magnesium through food alone. Our modern lifestyles and everyday exposure to the vast amounts of physical, emotional, and most definitely chemical sources of stress are present everywhere, which predisposes most of us to magnesium deficiency. 

Some suggest that 60% of people have a severe magnesium deficiency, and 80-90% have sub-optimal magnesium levels. Evidence suggests that traditional cultures may have had a 1:1 calcium-to-magnesium ratio/balance in their diets. With this in mind, several people are increasingly becoming aware of magnesium deficiencies. They are supplementing some form of magnesium in an effort to raise both tissue and serum levels. According to several studies, roughly 10-15% of the absorbed magnesium is retained within the tissues. The issue is most forms of magnesium simply raise the serum levels. We need magnesium to be delivered into the cells. This is where we believe our magnesium bicarbonate (properly sourced and converted) is the most crucial form of magnesium one can utilize in their daily life. 

Our Magnesium bicarbonate is by far the purest form of magnesium on the planet; no fillers, additives, or nasty chemicals are used in processing or manufacturing whatsoever. We use remineralized reverse osmosis water and responsibly source our magnesium bulk from the Dead Sea. 

Our magnesium also contains potassium bicarbonate and some sodium to enhance absorption and utilization. No, eating raw cacao and dark chocolate will not be sufficient to correct a severe magnesium deficiency. Not all magnesium supplements are great. We will discuss the difference between each form of magnesium and which ones to take for the best absorption. 

It’s becoming more evident that many people need more magnesium, but only some realize how challenging it is to replenish and reach optimal levels of this vital mineral fully. Morley Robbins has stated that some European bottled and naturally carbonated waters, such as Gerolsteiner from Germany, have a calcium-to-magnesium ratio of around 3:1 and naturally contain magnesium bicarbonate. This brand happens to be Ph.D. Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s favorite source of water.

If you haven’t already checked out our extensive water blog, please do so as we go into depth on the importance of not just supplementing with an adequate form of magnesium (Bicarbonate), but also stopping drinking tap water, stop cooking food in tap water, stop showering in tap water because not only are there 1000’s of toxic, caustic and poisonous chemicals and pharmaceuticals present in tap water, but most people are oblivious to the fact that our bodies can absorb 600% to 1000% more contamination in a single ten-minute shower than by drinking the same tap water for an entire day. We recommend using the Omica Organics shower filter and the Omica Organics 12-stage reverse osmosis drinking water filtration system. One thing to note is that fluoride (and dozens of other chemicals) in tap water binds with magnesium.

Magnesium Bicarbonate

Magnesium bicarbonate is a water-soluble and highly absorbed form of magnesium. It is naturally very alkaline. Magnesium bicarbonate is unique because it is a complex hydrated salt only found in liquid form. The solubility of magnesium bicarbonate is estimated to be 5 times as much as magnesium carbonate. 

Magnesium bicarbonate is not found in food. It is, or at least should be, found in our water. Over time, industrialization and things such as acid rain (10,000+ times more acidic) have diluted bicarbonate salts found naturally in the water we used to drink. Technically speaking, in nature, we would never come in contact with citrate, aspartate, oxide, carbonate, glutamate, threonate, lactate, glycinate, malate, amino acid chelate, orotate, or taurate. The ocean naturally contains magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate, but the most natural form of magnesium is magnesium bicarbonate. 

Magnesium is not readily absorbed in the body (past serum levels) unless it is initially attached to a bicarbonate ion and is being transported via water. Magnesium bicarbonate must be made with a highly micronized, high-quality, food-grade form of hydroxide. We get ours from the Dead Sea and go through an extensive conversion process, unlike any other maker on the market. Some have stated that magnesium bicarbonate is roughly 50% or more absorbable. Others have suggested it’s more around 80% absorption. Either way, it is the most bioavailable form of magnesium on the planet. 

Magnesium bicarbonate is a compound associated with several health benefits, including improved acid/base balance, bone metabolism, and cardiovascular risk factors (Source). 

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Springer noted the short-term effects of spring water supplemented with magnesium bicarbonate on acid/base balance, bone metabolism, and cardiovascular risk factors (Source). The study found that consumption of the supplemented spring water led to improvements in these areas, suggesting potential health benefits from magnesium bicarbonate intake.

In terms of uses, magnesium bicarbonate can help maintain the body’s pH balance, which is crucial for overall health. It also plays a significant role in bone metabolism, which is how bones are renewed or repaired. This makes it potentially beneficial for people with conditions that affect bone health, such as osteoporosis (Source).

Moreover, research suggests that magnesium bicarbonate may have positive effects on cardiovascular health. For instance, the same study mentioned above found that participants who consumed spring water supplemented with magnesium bicarbonate showed improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors.

Despite these potential benefits, the interaction of magnesium bicarbonate with other substances and medications isn’t extensively documented. However, like any supplement, it could interact with certain medications and conditions, so it’s always recommended to consult with healthcare providers before starting a new regimen.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride is a particular type of salt that is a combination of both chloride and magnesium. Magnesium chloride is our favorite topical solution. Magnesium chloride is well-absorbed by the body, making it an efficient choice for boosting magnesium levels (Source). 

It also benefits kidney function and bone health (Source, Source). Our kidneys help control acid-base balance by excreting hydrogen ions and generating bicarbonate that helps maintain blood plasma pH within a normal range. Consuming magnesium bicarbonate will greatly relax our kidneys, and obviously, our entire body for that matter, while using magnesium chloride topically can help increase our magnesium serum levels to maintain proper enzymatic functions supporting the kidneys.

Magnesium chloride is known as MgCI2, which contains one magnesium atom and two chloride atoms. Most chloride is obtained by solar evaporation using seawater. Magnesium chloride has a high water solubility, meaning it is better absorbed in the gut than lesser forms such as oxide, citrate, etc. Magnesium chloride has a much higher bioavailability than other forms (Bicarbonate being arguably the highest, although some sources disagree). It also comes with 72 trace minerals from seawater, which can aid in absorbing magnesium more efficiently.

The chloride anion is considered to have a strong acid load, which interferes with our body’s natural PH buffering systems. Magnesium chloride only has 35% bioavailability for the magnesium cation and 99% for the chloride anion. This disparity accounts for the acid load it puts on the body. We do not recommend taking high doses of magnesium chloride orally for this reason. We believe there are much better forms of magnesium to be supplemented orally. 

Magnesium chloride is an excellent option to use as a topical application, either sprayed directly on the skin (20-100 sprays daily or a few times a week), used in a hot bath, or even a foot soak. Magnesium chloride can be used to counteract a decline in stomach acid production/secretion in the stomach. When applied topically, magnesium chloride is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This makes it an ideal option for those who experience digestive issues and/or do not like taking oral supplements. 

Our Magnesium Oil is a topical spray with magnesium chloride and hydrosols that is very gentle and applicable to most skin types. It contains biodynamic Hydrosols that are soothing and aromatic. 

We recommend you stick to topical application, baths, and foot baths when using magnesium chloride. It is much safer to consume magnesium bicarbonate internally, which will naturally enhance our body’s ability to buffer acids while using magnesium chloride topically. As always, though, it’s best to talk to your healthcare practitioner before introducing any new supplements into your regimen.

Magnesium Chloride comes in:

1. Mg Chloride Tablets (Oral)

2. Mg Chloride Powder (Oral)

3. Mg Chloride Liquid (Oral)

4. Mg Chloride Oil (Topical/Bath/FootBath)

5. Mg Chloride Flakes (Topical/Bath/FootBath)

6. Mg Chloride Lotion (Topical/Bath/FootBath)

Magnesium chloride can cause some side effects for some users. Some of these side effects include, when taken orally, stomach upset, diarrhea/loose stools, nausea, abdominal cramping, and, if applied topically, itchiness/irritation of the skin. If this is the case, and you are sensitive in all these areas, use chloride as a foot bath/soak 1-3 times per week or opt for a different form of magnesium.

Below, we will list some drugs known to negatively interact with magnesium chloride (and possibly other forms of magnesium). Some medicines are not listed here, and therefore, we recommend that you consult with your physician first if you are on any form of medication:

1. Doxycycline

2. Eltrombopag

3. Fleroxacin

4. Minocycline

5. Ciprofloxacin

6. Fleroxacin

7. Norfloxacin

8. Rilpivirine

9. Penicillamine

10. Tetracycline

Magnesium Citrate

You may have heard about the brand “CALM,” one of the most widely used and popular magnesium supplements (and forms) worldwide. This form of magnesium is bonded to citric acid, which supposedly increases the rate of absorption. We are not sure what the source of their citric acid is, but we are inclined to find out. 

Some consider citrate a very poor form of magnesium that is poorly absorbed (on a cellular level) and can antagonize copper. In contrast, others suggest that some sources/brands are better than others and not all citrate is subpar. It’s often used to treat constipation and improve digestion (Source). However, it could interact with certain medications, such as antibiotics, rendering them less effective.

Magnesium citrate does have a natural laxative effect, as do most forms of magnesium. Therefore, it is commonly used to treat constipation as it draws water into the small intestines. The question is how much the body can absorb; is it bioavailable, or is it utilizable? Some have suggested that citrate may be around and most likely less than 20% absorbable.

Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of “The Magnesium Miracle,” states, “The form magnesium is in depends on temperature, pH, and concentration in the body.” This implies that the effectiveness and absorption of magnesium citrate may vary depending on individual body conditions.

Magnesium Oxide

Mg Oxide is also a commonly prescribed nutritional supplement. It’s most commonly recognized for its use in treating constipation, as indicated by a study published on (Source). The research suggests that clinical use of magnesium oxide should be carefully considered, taking into account various factors to ensure effective treatment of constipation. Individuals should exercise caution when combining it with other medications like diuretics and blood thinners.

There are studies suggesting that magnesium oxide supplementation shows improvement in physical performance in older individuals. In addition, magnesium oxide has also been studied for its potential role in managing nocturnal leg cramps. A randomized clinical trial found that magnesium oxide may provide prophylactic benefits. However, further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind its effects (Source).

This form of magnesium is fairly interesting. It is believed to contain a high percentage of elemental magnesium, which is great, right? The problem is several studies have also found that the bioavailability was lower than any other form of magnesium. Some say around only 4% absorption. (Source)

Some have suggested that you can turn magnesium oxide into hydroxide by simply mixing it with water and then turn the hydroxide into bicarbonate by mixing it with Co2. We don’t suggest doing this as there could be risk involved if you don’t do it correctly, and instead, opt for a super high-quality hydroxide source and use the proper equipment to convert it more effectively.

It’s essential to be aware of possible drug interactions when using magnesium oxide. For example, a study published on MDPI compared the effectiveness of magnesium oxide with naldemedine in preventing opioid-induced constipation, suggesting that while both could be used to prevent OIC, naldemedine significantly prevented deterioration in constipation-specific quality of life.

Magnesium oxide can interfere with the absorption of medications used in osteoporosis, including alendronate (Fosamax) (Source). Another interaction involves Carbamazepine, a medication used to treat various forms of epilepsy and neuropathic pain. Magnesium oxide can decrease the absorption of Carbamazepine, potentially reducing its serum concentration and efficacy (Source).

It can also interact with certain antibiotics, such as demeclocycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and oxytetracycline, potentially reducing their effectiveness (Source). Additionally, magnesium oxide could make it harder for your body to absorb other medicines taken orally; hence, avoiding other medications within 2 hours before or after taking magnesium oxide is recommended. (Source)

Furthermore, magnesium oxide can interact with over-the-counter antacids, laxatives, statins, and diabetes medications (Source).

As always, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or supplement regimen to ensure safety and efficacy.

Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium taurate is just magnesium combined with the amino acid taurine. This unique bond is thought to enhance the absorption of magnesium into the body and provide the benefits of both compounds (Source). It has greater bioavailability than magnesium citrate. Like L-threonate, taurate has been in quite a few studies, and some of them suggest a more rapid absorption and the ability to pass through to the brain easily. 

Since this amino acid is commonly found in the heart, muscles, brain, and eyes, it can be very beneficial to supplement magnesium taurate specifically for the heart. A study in ScienceDirect found that magnesium taurate treatments significantly reduced myocardial damage, suggesting it could improve cardiovascular health (Source). It has also been used to prevent and treat preeclampsia/eclampsia (Source).

Moreover, magnesium taurate has shown promise in preventing migraines and promoting healthy digestion (Source)(Source). It’s also been noted for its potential to prevent cataractogenesis by restoring lenticular oxidative damage and ATPase function (Source).

Some say they experience a calming sensation when they supplement with magnesium taurate.

Despite these potential benefits, magnesium taurate should be used under medical supervision due to possible drug interactions. High doses of magnesium taurate can interact with certain medications, including bisphosphonates, antibiotics, and water pills (Source). Therefore, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

It’s important to note that while the benefits of magnesium taurate are promising, more research is needed to understand its potential impacts on health fully.

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium combined with the amino acid glycine. Glycine is a large molecule, so there is less magnesium by weight. Still, the glycine amino acid itself is a relaxing neurotransmitter. 

This magnesium form is believed to have good bioavailability and is less likely to irritate our digestive tracts. Some suggest that glycinate has less bioavailability than citrate. 

Known for its calming properties, magnesium glycinate has been found to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality (Source). In addition to these benefits, magnesium glycinate plays a critical role in muscle function, helping to alleviate muscle cramps (Source).

Some studies found that young adults supplementing with magnesium glycinate of around 400 mg daily for a month showcased an overall increase in their body’s potassium content and a boost in their exercise performance. We believe Ray Peat recommends magnesium glycinate. As with most forms of magnesium, source it properly because only some glycinate sources are high quality, and quite a few brands contain irritating additives.

Supplementation with magnesium glycinate can also support heart health. According to a study published in the FASEB Journal, a daily intake of 400mg of magnesium as magnesium glycinate effectively raised plasma magnesium levels, thus contributing to cardiovascular well-being (Source). Similarly, the journal Scientifica highlighted the importance of magnesium in clinical healthcare, suggesting that there’s a trend toward benefits in muscle cramp alleviation with the use of magnesium glycinate (Source).

The versatility of magnesium glycinate extends beyond general health maintenance. A case report published in Neurology indicated the potential benefits of magnesium glycinate in managing Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction (RCVS), a headache syndrome that is not well understood and often goes undiagnosed. It can have serious neurological consequences (Source). Additionally, a pediatric case study demonstrated the successful use of magnesium glycinate in rapidly resolving chronic back pain (Source).

Despite its numerous benefits, it’s important to note that magnesium glycinate should be used under medical supervision. Individuals on medication should consult their healthcare practitioner prior to use to avoid potential drug interactions.

Magnesium Hydroxide

This form of magnesium can either be incredible or subpar at best. This substance is often leveraged in over-the-counter medications as an antacid to alleviate symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion. Many laxative supplements utilize magnesium hydroxide, and when looking at the chemistry lab reports, the laboratory data shows hydroxide is very stubborn when mixed with water (Source). Moreover, it could be beneficial for patients with end-stage renal disease who are on maintenance hemodialysis (Source).

If combined with CO2, aka carbonated and cold-filtered water, it becomes arguably one of the best, if not the best, forms of magnesium on the planet, magnesium bicarbonate. It has very poor water solubility and requires vigorous shaking and proper equipment in order to convert it, though. 

Most people try to make their own bicarbonate at home with subpar equipment and poor-quality hydroxide, leading to a very poor-quality form of magnesium bicarbonate. Be aware magnesium hydroxide is commonly used at large-scale water treatment facilities, which is not fit for human consumption in our opinion (Source). We have worked very hard to find a reputable source of hydroxide from the Dead Sea. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to sell it directly to consumers as much as we wish we could. 

Instead, this is why we created the world’s best magnesium bicarbonate to showcase our highest quality, reputably sourced magnesium hydroxide. We do not recommend using hydroxide that has not been converted and filtered properly into magnesium bicarbonate by itself as it is not nearly as bioavailable as other forms and can cause serious digestive distress if too much is taken too often. 

Some brands that have been selling magnesium bicarbonate for quite some time still contain a lot of unconverted, unfiltered, milky-looking bicarbonate. A little bit of sediment is okay, but if you are buying a mag bicarb product that is very milky, that is not magnesium bicarbonate. It may contain some magnesium bicarbonate but is mostly unconverted or poorly converted hydroxide. 

Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is known as the infamous Epsom Salt, formulated by pairing magnesium with sulfur and oxygen. Most people utilize Epsom Salts for foot soaks or hot baths due to its ability to soothe sore muscles and aid in athletic performance and recoverability. One of the significant benefits is its potential to reduce stress and promote mental relaxation. Magnesium helps promote a feeling of calm and peace. It does this by playing a role in regulating the body’s stress-response system (Source). Therefore, bathing in Epsom salts could potentially help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and alleviate anxiety.

However, for foot soaks and hot baths, we definitely prefer magnesium chloride over magnesium sulfate. The ocean naturally contains both, so in other words, you could use both topically.

When dissolved in water, Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium and sulfate. The theory is that when you soak in an Epsom salt bath, these get into your body through your skin and help replenish your body’s magnesium levels (Source). As always, proper, high-quality sourcing is essential. 

However, magnesium sulfate passes through the body faster than magnesium chloride, implying that you may need to use more Epsom salt than magnesium chloride for the same effect topically (Source). One study suggested that magnesium sulfate contains higher bioavailability than magnesium citrate; however, more research is needed to compare these two compounds’ bioavailability directly.

Magnesium sulfate is also well known for its laxative effects and is commonly used in IVs. Magnesium sulfate has also been used in treating preterm labor, eclampsia and preeclampsia, and postoperative analgesia in orthopedic surgery. In the context of preterm labor, magnesium sulfate is used to prevent adverse health outcomes in infants (Source). Similarly, its use in cases of eclampsia has been linked with a significant decline in associated case fatality rates, especially when health workers are adequately trained in its use (Source).

In Brazil, a situational analysis highlighted magnesium sulfate’s importance in the public health system (Source). Furthermore, magnesium sulfate has proven beneficial in postoperative analgesia in orthopedic surgery patients, particularly for those undergoing arthroscopic surgery and lower extremity surgery (Source).

Despite its many uses, the use of magnesium sulfate is not without potential risks. Certain drug interactions may occur, particularly with drugs that affect kidney function or interact with magnesium. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen that includes magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium Malate

Magnesium malate is simply magnesium combined with malic acid. Malic acid contributes to the sourness we experience when we bite into an unripe green apple. It tends to produce an extreme tartness compared to the less sour citric acid in sour sweets. 

It has been proven to be fairly bioavailable and more absorbable than magnesium citrate. It’s also been shown to have less of a laxative effect when compared to citrate. Magnesium malate can offer numerous health benefits, including boosting energy levels, supporting muscle function, and promoting cardiovascular health (Source).

The connection between magnesium malate and energy production lies in its role in increasing ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary source of energy at the cellular level. Malic acid, an essential component of the Krebs cycle (a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic organisms to generate energy), when combined with magnesium, plays a critical role in transforming food into usable energy (Source).

According to an article in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine, “In certain bacteria which have similar microanatomical and biochemical properties as mitochondria, malate acts as an electron donor and generates a large proton motive force, believed to be the driving force for the mitochondrial synthesis of ATP.” (Source)

Magnesium malate is also beneficial for muscle health. Low magnesium levels in the body can lead to muscle weakness and cramps. Supplementing with magnesium malate can help maintain normal muscle function. Additionally, magnesium is crucial for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. It helps regulate heart rhythm, prevents the aggregation of platelets, and aids in the dilation of blood vessels (Source).

Studies have also shown magnesium and malic acid as being beneficial for fibromyalgia (FM) and fatigue in general. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. While the exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, some researchers believe that it may be related to low levels of magnesium. Research suggests that people with fibromyalgia may have a deficiency in energy production; hence, supplementing with magnesium malate may help improve energy levels and reduce muscle pain (Source).

A pilot study published in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine found that patients with fibromyalgia who took a supplement containing malic acid and magnesium reported significant improvements in their symptoms (Source). Despite these promising results, more extensive research is needed to understand the role of magnesium malate in fibromyalgia management fully.

There is compelling data to show that magnesium malate is not a poor choice. Still, one should delve into their own research a bit more before considering this as a staple in their supplementation protocol. As always, individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially those with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia.

Magnesium Acetate

Magnesium acetate is a form of magnesium bound to acetic acid. Magnesium acetate is often utilized in chemistry experiments as a source of magnesium or acetate ions.

One study investigated the effects of various chemical compounds on the conformation of the Escherichia coli enzyme Primase, which is essential for DNA replication in E. coli. Among the compounds tested were magnesium acetate (Mg(OAc)2), manganese chloride (MnCl2), calcium chloride (CaCl2), sodium acetate (NaOAc), lithium chloride (LiCl), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2).

Interestingly, findings revealed that magnesium acetate, Mg(OAc)2, had the most profound impact on inducing a favorable conformational change in the Primase enzyme. This suggests that Mg(OAc)2 holds significant potential as a modulator of enzyme activity, potentially affecting DNA replication processes (Source).

Moreover, beyond its role in enzyme conformational changes, magnesium acetate has an additional intriguing property when mixed with hydrogen peroxide—it acts as a bactericidal agent. This property underscores the versatility of magnesium acetate and its potential utility in various biological and chemical applications, ranging from enzyme studies to microbial control (Source).

Magnesium acetate is a mineral supplement that plays a crucial role in various biochemical processes in the human body (Source). It is essential for cellular function, nerve signaling, bone mineralization, and muscle contractions (Source).

Magnesium acetate is also used in dialysis solutions (Source). Dialysis is a treatment that filters and purifies the blood using a machine, often used when someone’s kidneys can’t perform these tasks naturally.

For those who cannot tolerate taking magnesium supplements orally, one can use magnesium acetate transdermally by rubbing the thick liquid onto the skin to bypass the intestines and avoid any potential episodes of diarrhea. However, magnesium chloride may be a safer option for transdermal application of magnesium as magnesium acetate may cause more skin irritation.

Magnesium acetate does, in fact, metabolize into magnesium bicarbonate. Magnesium acetate can be transformed into magnesium bicarbonate through a chemical reaction involving sodium bicarbonate. The process involves the combination of magnesium acetate and sodium bicarbonate, resulting in the production of magnesium bicarbonate and sodium acetate. The reaction can be represented as follows: Mg(CH3COO)2 + 2 NaHCO3 → Mg(HCO3)2 + 2 CH3COONa (Source).

It’s important to note that this is a simplified representation of the process. In reality, the reaction may involve multiple steps and intermediate products, depending on factors such as temperature, pressure, and other substances. For instance, when heated, magnesium acetate can first decompose into magnesium oxalate, which then further decomposes into magnesium carbonate and finally into magnesium oxide (Source)(Source).

If you successfully convert magnesium acetate into magnesium bicarbonate, you can experience high doses of magnesium bicarbonate supplementation without diarrhea if you are hypersensitive. Supposedly, or so we’ve been told, you can formulate your own magnesium acetate from magnesium chloride and vinegar, but we’re not exactly sure about the process. The reaction takes 24 hours or at least overnight. Some say carbonate + vinegar works as well, and quite a few have experienced very positive results such as very deep sleep. You can find the discussion about that on the Ray Peat Forum (Source).

Magnesium BisGlycinate 

Mg BisGlycinate, or magnesium biglycinate, is one magnesium atom attached to two glycine molecules. Bi(s) means 2, which suggests the 2 glycine molecules, hence BisGlycinate versus glycinate. Some have considered this form one of the best on the market due to its high bioavailability/absorption (Source). When it comes to magnesium BisGlycinate, two glycine molecules are bound to the magnesium; therefore, much less water can bind with the magnesium because the glycine is filling the space where the water would normally bind. Glycine also helps to reduce the pH level in the small intestine, further helping to enhance the absorption. 

We are also aware that glycine is an anti-inflammatory amino acid that helps with many things, especially gut health and sleep quality. The amazing thing about BisGlycinate is that it is very gentle on the stomach and digestive tract, thus allowing you to experiment with and tolerate larger doses, leading to fewer side effects (Source). 

As we always say, be careful with where you source/buy your magnesium from. Many brands will actually be a mixture containing a substantial amount of magnesium oxide, yet never mention they are marketing a buffered form, even if they label their produce as bis-glycinate or glycinate. Avoid “buffered” magnesium bis-glycinate as it is generally mixed with oxide. Non-buffered is key.

Magnesium Gluconate 

Magnesium gluconate is fairly interesting. A primary benefit of magnesium gluconate is its role in maintaining normal muscle and nerve function. As the name suggests, magnesium gluconate is a chelated magnesium salt bonded to gluconic acid. Adding amino acids to magnesium salts stabilizes the mineral and improves its ability to pass through the intestinal barrier. 

Dr. Lewis B. Barnett, MD, in the 1940s and 50s, used this form of magnesium to successfully treat epileptic seizures in children. He conducted clinical studies exploring the link between nutrient deficiency, particularly magnesium, and epilepsy (Source).

Barnett’s work revealed a strong correlation between magnesium deficiency and the incidence of epilepsy. His findings were significant as they highlighted the potential role of nutritional supplementation in managing this condition. It was observed that the frequency of seizures could be influenced by changes in the body’s magnesium levels.

In his research, he documented several cases of children diagnosed with epilepsy who showed improvement after being treated with magnesium gluconate supplements. One such case was a four-year-old boy with a history of petit mal seizures. The boy’s condition improved significantly after he started taking magnesium gluconate, demonstrating the potential of this compound in treating epilepsy (Source).

Barnett’s approaches to treating epilepsy in children were innovative for his time and have helped shape our understanding of the disease and its management.

Magnesium gluconate appears to have a high absorption rate. Magnesium Gluconate tends to be neutral, not overly alkaline or acidic on the PH scale. In a study with rats, it apparently had one of the highest rates of absorption among 10 magnesium salts, both organic and inorganic (Source).

Elemental magnesium in the salt is around 5.86%, which forces a large intake of gluconic to get a small amount of elemental magnesium. Gluconic acid is the initial substrate for the reactions of pentose phosphate path of oxidation of glucose, so it was suggested that it may affect the energy metabolism of mitochondria. 

Again, the issue arises when you want a high dose, let’s say 800mg daily, as a therapeutic intake of elemental magnesium. You would need to consume a little less than 14 grams of magnesium gluconate to achieve that. This is also important to note because if the supplement contains a substantial amount of impurities, you will want to avoid the idea of mega-dosing entirely. As always, proper sourcing is key.

Magnesium Carbonate

Magnesium carbonate is a white, crystalline powder that occurs naturally as the mineral magnesite. Magnesium carbonate is a composition of MgCO3. This means it has one molecule of the chemical element magnesium bonded to three molecules of carbonate. Carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid. Carbonic acid occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) is dissolved in water (Source).

So, magnesium carbonate is a magnesium salt, also commonly called magnesite. It is extracted directly from the mineral itself. It can be found in various supplemental products to aid in increasing magnesium in the body, though it seems to have low bioavailability. The solubility of magnesium bicarbonate is estimated to be 5 times as much as magnesium carbonate, so we recommend avoiding magnesium carbonate. It is more often used outside of the health and wellness realms as a powder for fire-proofing, athletic “chalk,” and as a whitening agent used in taxidermy (Source).

The bioavailability of magnesium carbonate is highly dependent on the pH level of the stomach. The carbonate ion from magnesium carbonate reacts with stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) to form carbon dioxide and water. This reaction increases the pH of the stomach (making it less acidic), which can reduce the bioavailability of magnesium.

Despite its many uses, consulting with a healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication is crucial.

Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L-Threonate is a newer form on the magnesium front. Magnesium L-threonate is a magnesium salt of L-threonic acid having the formula Mg(C4H7O5)2. Threonate is Threonic Acid, which is a sugar acid, not an amino acid. Threonine is an amino acid, but it is not the same as Threonate (Threonic Acid) (Source). 

Magnesium L-Threonate is being advertised as one of the few forms of magnesium that effectively cross the blood-brain barrier. There is plenty of new research being released every year or month, stating the impressive benefits for neurological health specifically, such as reducing cognitive decline (Source), improving learning abilities and memory both short and long term, as well as the typical benefits that most experience from magnesium such as relaxation and enhanced sleep quality (Source).

Dr. Ray Peat was asked for his input on L-Threonate several years ago. He believed that Magnesium L-Threonate was mostly marketing, in regards to it “getting into the brain easier” because he states that all magnesium gets into the brain easily. Several people do have very positive experiences with this form of magnesium (especially when compared to the other forms), such as vivid dreams, restful sleep, ease on the digestive tract, and more. Others, however (as with any product), may experience no effects and sometimes negative side effects (Source). 

In addition to its cognitive benefits, Magnesium L-threonate may also have neuroprotective effects. Studies have shown that this compound can protect against hypoxic injuries (Source) and oxidative stress damage in Alzheimer’s disease models (Source), suggesting potential therapeutic applications in neurodegenerative diseases.

Interestingly, research has also indicated that Magnesium L-threonate can play a role in pain management. A study found that oral application of Magnesium L-threonate enhanced analgesia and reduced the dosage of opioids needed in advanced cancer patients, indicating potential applications in pain management strategies (Source).

Furthermore, Magnesium L-threonate supplementation has been associated with alleviating colonic inflammation and memory impairment in chronic-plus-binge alcohol-feeding mice (Source). It also showed potential therapeutic effects for persistent pain after breast surgery (Source).

When considering possible drug interactions, specific interactions with Magnesium L-threonate are not widely documented. However, as with any supplement, it’s always advisable to consult healthcare providers before starting a new regimen, especially if you’re on other medications.

Magnesium Succinate (Succinic Acid)

Magnesium Succinate is magnesium chelated to succinic acid. This compound yields one of the highest amounts of elemental magnesium. While it is not as well-known as other forms of magnesium, existing studies suggest that it might have unique advantages.

One of the primary known uses of magnesium succinate is in the management of fibromyalgia. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine suggested that magnesium and malic acid (which is derived from succinic acid) could be beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia (Source). These compounds are involved in the Krebs Cycle, which is crucial for energy production at a cellular level.

We haven’t found much information about this specific form of magnesium, but we will continue to update this magnesium guide accordingly. 

More Information Coming Soon on This Extensive Magnesium Guide:

  • Magnesium Phosphate
  • Magnesium Salicylate
  • Magnesium Trisilicate 

In Closing

Our journey through the world of magnesium has been both enlightening and empowering. As we delved into the various forms of this essential mineral, exploring their health benefits, bioavailability, and cautions, two contenders have captured our hearts: magnesium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride. These forms of magnesium have demonstrated their superiority in distinct ways, offering unique advantages to those seeking improved well-being.

We recommend supplementing with our magnesium bicarbonate and our magnesium chloride topical spray. Our magnesium bicarbonate is made from an extremely pure source from the Dead Sea and hand-shaken vigorously with copious amounts of CO2. Remineralized water is added, as well as other bioavailable cofactors. 

Our magnesium chloride spray is unique because it does not burn like other magnesium chlorides. Most people react very poorly to magnesium chloride spray, but ours is the first one on the market that is very gentle yet extremely effective and high quality. 

Check out our new Magnesium Oil Spray and what we believe to be the best Magnesium Bicarbonate on the market. Also, just be aware that making your own magnesium bicarbonate at home does not compare at all, but we can teach you how ;).

God Bless,

Nick & Nathan


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